[Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2006 @ 10:07 p.m.]
[ Me & My Cellphone ]

I'll be taking more shifts at work; I got a call from them asking if I wanted more and if I'd take a few extra in the next few days. Hell, I've only had two all week and I haven't even worked them yet.
Last night, my dad came home in the wee hours of the morning and set off the alarm system. It's an automatic reflex for me to run and turn it off; suppose it were an actual burglary? It's like the school fire alarms that you get immune to. It's suppose to save our lives but it's become routine now. My mom awoke in a half-sleep and I directed her back to her bed. I almost tucked her back in myself. A moment ago, my dad inquired about what was wrong with the system, so I had to push a few buttons and viola! It was back to detecting burglars and smoke again. My dad wanted to make sure it was okay but I had to jump in, deter him from fumbling with his keys and possibly setting it off again. He's done this several times already, and my mom's in bed right now.
Well, I'll be doing more shift than scheduled and skipping some fun times planned with my friends.
I did nothing all day but spend it in front of the computer. That and played with my cellphone. When will I get tired of this wonderful gadget? I hope I never do. Ah, ain't love grand?

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