[Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 @ 6:08 p.m.]
[ Filling In The Blanks ]

There's this new guy at work who was asking me some personal questions, asking me if I was single and wondering why I didn't have a boyfriend. Not that I was worried that he'd assume I was a lesbian, but it's just assumed that if you're single then you're gay. Before I came out, I never had any luck trying to bag a man. If I was still straight, and he asked me that question, what is he saying? That if you're gay then you're celibate? How many straight people are celibate? How many gays/lesbians have been serial monogamists? Suppose I did have someone and I never alluded to their gender: Would he assume it was male? If I hadn't come out, if I was always straight and I asked someone if they had anybody, would I assume they were gay? It's like there's something wrong with you if you're single. I hate that assumption, and that if you're gay, then that's what's wrong with you, that you're hiding in shame and prefer to be single because people will see your partner or something. Everytime I see him at work, this pops into my head. There's this older woman who comes in regularly, and only once had I seen her with her daughter and grandkids. I just assumed she was either single or widowed, because of her age. So many single people come in when it's not busy. There's this one guy, I swear he never brushes his teeth by the looks of the plaque build-up, and because I find him quite unattractive, I just assume he's perpetually single, but if he were attractive, would I assume he were gay? Why do I want to assume things about strangers anyway? Why do I need to fill in the blanks? I always assume people are assuming things about me and sometimes I feel so paranoid about these thoughts. Tires out my braincells sometimes, but it's just human nature, eh?

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